Three Cell Phone Companies
Three Cell Phone Companies
Blog Article
The first cell phone I remembered ever seen was the one that Sack Morris in Save by the Bell used to have. It was big and it looked more like a portable phone than a cell phone, and it was not very common for people to have unless you were a business man. However now a days everybody has a cell phone, and the smaller they are, the better. With the invention of new technology cell phones have improved and now you can even take 핸드폰성지 pictures with your cell phone, and even better, make videos. Also you can navigate the internet, write an email, and even take it to another country and still be able to use it. Furthermore they have the possibility to send messages instead of calling people which makes it more affordable and easier to use. Today cell phones are so popular that some people rather have cell phones than have regular phones. Also information and pictures taken in your cell phone can be transfer into a computer which is great to connect people since these pictures and information can be send or simply be save for a longer time in a computer.
What’s more impressive than cell phones themselves is the amount of companies that sell cell phone services, which is good because it creates competition, which creates lower prices. Here in Venezuela there are three major companies: Digitel, Movilnet, and Movistar, which is good because one have the opportunity to compare the different rates and sales that these companies have to offer. My family have Movistar because we have a service Habla Pegado that allows you to talk to any other Movistar as long as you want, which is excellent and cheaper in a family of a large number of people like ours: two parents, and seven children.
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